About Me
My name is João and I’m an undergraduate student at Yale University, currently in my final year. I’m passionate about software engineering, web development, app development, and data science.

My name is João and I’m an undergraduate student at Yale University, currently in my final year. I’m passionate about software engineering, web development, app development, and data science.
A beautiful home page for astro-enthusiasts which displays a daily inspirational quote alongisde NASA's astronomy picture of the day. This React app makes use of API calls, conditional rendering, lifecycle methods, and more.
Angarus is my personal answering machine, allowing anyone to send me a message by making use of a public API I built. This message is then read out-loud by my computer in real-time or when I open the app. Go ahead, shoot me a message!
Seenit is a social media application inspired by Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter. It allows users to interact with each other through tags, posts, likes, comments, and direct messages. Seenit also allows users to customize their profiles and see the most popular users, posts, and comments through an analytics page. This was a group project built during my time at the Flatiron School.
BattleBots is a web-based single-player game which allows users to create robots by choosing from a variety of parts and moves, and then try them out against other user-generated robots in a turn-based battle. I built this project individually during my time at the Flatiron school. As part of the project requirements, the frontend runs entirely on one web page and using one script by making use of DOM manipulation.
TutorX is a CLI application which allows users to set up appointments with tutors, saving all appointment data in a database. This was a group project built during my time at the Flatiron School.
This is a full recreation of the classic game built entirely with Ruby, making use of the 'Ruby 2D' gem for graphics.
RubyBot is a bot that connects to the Twitter API to post a random sentence with a random hashtag every 30 minutes. The results are often quite interesting...
Pythokemon is a CLI Pokemon game which allows users to select a Pokemon and battle against a second player or a CPU. Although the level of code here no longer reflects my programming skills, it is still a fun program to use.